School of Humanities & Social Studies |
M85 - M.A. Hindi (NEP) |
M51 M.A. (Hindi) |
M60 - M.A. History ( NEP) |
M41 - M.A. (Marathi) |
M59- M.A. Hindi (NEP) |
M42 - M.A. (Hindi) |
M58 - M.A. Public Administration (NEP ) |
M53 M.A. (Public Administraton) |
M50 - M.A. Econimics (NEP) |
M52 M.A. (Economics) |
M49 - M.A. Marathi (NEP) |
M54 M.A. (Marathi) |
M48- M.A. Urdu (NEP) |
M44 M.A. (Urdu) |
P16 - M.Lib & ISc |
M72 M. A. (English) |
Shool Of Educaion |
M83-M.A. (Education) -NEP |
M62 - M.A. (Education) |
School Of Sciences |
V151-MSc(Maths){2023Pattern} |
V57 - M.Sc (Mathematics) |
V152-MSc(EVS){2023 Pattern} |
V136 - M.Sc (Environmental Science) |
V153 MSc(Physics){2023 Pattern} |
V131 - M.Sc. (Physics) |
V154 -MSc(Chemistry){2023Pattern} |
V132 - M.Sc. (Chemistry) |
V155 MSc(Zoology) {2023 Pattern} |
V133 - M.Sc. (Zoology) |
V156_MSc(Botany){2023Pattern} |
V134 - M.Sc. (Botony) |
School of Commernce & Mgmt. |
M17 - M.Com |
M117- M.Com |
P79 - M.B.A. |