शिक्षणशास्त्र विद्याशाखा : संचालकांचे मनोगत

संचालकांचे मनोगत

From the Director’s Desk:


  Dr. Kavita Salunke    

Welcome to School of Education!

Dr. Abdul Kalam in his book “Agni Pankh” (The wings of Fire) wrote “Everyone can change one’s destiny, only thing needed is a strong belief that one can change it ”. (p 23)

Education alone is the best instrument of  encouraging  and enhancing  the will power to change one’s destiny. The School of Education reflects Dr. kalam’s  thought in its functioning . Education helps to develop knowledge, skills, competencies and attitude towards one’s tasks.

The University was established in 1989 , and the School of Education started its functioning the same year, to provide quality and low cost education, especially teacher education. The School has framed its Quality Policy, Vision, Mission and Objectives which directs the path to progress ahead.  The School of Education is committed to develop a quality system, for all its functions and activities, and also provide adequate resources human and material, for achieving quality education. School provides quality programs for agencies and faculties, such as teachers, researchers, counselors, facilitators to enhance their capacities at their work place. Information Communication Technology (ICT) is used at every stage from admission to evaluation to maintain continuous improvement and quality of the program in the School.

At present, the School offers, Doctoral Degree, (Ph. D.) Post Graduation and Under Graduation  (PG & UG) Programs,  Diploma and Certificate programs in education. In service Teacher education is a prestigious program  run by the School and is approved by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), and B.Ed. Special approved by Rehabilitation Council  of India (RCI). The School fully complies UGC ,ODL program regulations. There is representation of the experts from all over Maharashtra in the  development of the programs in The School and ensures quality and standards.

The Students’ Support System is very strong as its  Self-Learning Material and e-Books, are complemented and supplemented with the audio/video programs, Web-lectures, Web-radio, and  rich additional material which helps the students to complete their courses easily.

All the programs in The School include the practicum component and field work, which enables them to apply the knowledge they have received from the theoretical aspect. All the programs are run through The Study Centers that are established in renowned colleges, which help the students in various ways. The expertise of the staff members from the colleges is utilized in its full potential. To add to their expertise the School trains them in the  field of counselling and other required tasks for the distance mode. Academic Audit is a regular feature of the School, which enhances the Study Centers and quality of the program. There are about 8000 students  who enroll in the School courses every year. The percentage of the passing is satisfactory . The purpose of the School can be observed in the students at their workplace.