


Prof. Sanjeev Sonawane

Hon'ble Prof. Sanjeev Sonawane

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) was established in 1989 by an Act of the Maharashtra State Legislative. It is the fifth Open University to be established in India and is considered as one of the key providers of distance education in the country. It has been granted recognition by the University Grants Commission and operates as per the guidelines of the Distance Education Bureau, New Delhi. Envisioning a system of distance education that percolates to the remotest corner, the university has over the years, made significant multi-faced progress. It offers a diverse array of numerous academic programmes spanning the full range from the certificate to the post-graduate level and annually registers over 6,00,000 learners. The university operates with the help of an extensive network of 8 Regional Centres and nearly 1711 Learner Support Centres distributed across the State of Maharashtra.  In addition the university has developed quality Self Learning Material (SLM) for the benefit of learners.  The university extensively uses ICT for education right from admission, teaching learning and evaluation processes including conducting online contact sessions during entire pandemic period. YCMOU strives to fulfil the motto –."ज्ञानगंगा घरोघरी"

As a result of its varied achievements, the university has received accolades and international recognition. The YCMOU  has bagged the coveted Award of Excellence for Institutional Achievements by Commonwealth of Learning, Canada, two times namely; during the year 2002 and 2019. Similarly the YCMOU has secured fourth rank under ‘Swachha Campus Ranking 2019 of Higher Educational Institutions under the category Non-Residential Universities – UGC’  by the  Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi. The YCMOU is now listed among the `Mega Open Universities’ of the world.


Hon'ble Prof. Sanjeev Sonawane 

Vice-Chancellor, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik