Research Policy

Research Policy

YCMOU Research Policies and YCMOU Ph.D. Ordinance 2023

Policy for Promotion of Research in the University

Vision: Research is the foundation of knowledge that brings new energy, builds state of the art facilities, promotes research publications, develops collaborations and becomes part of active community that shares the objectives of the mission. Taking these into considerations, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University has framed its Policy for the Promotion of Research in the university. Rapid growth and innovations in scientific knowledge is an indication of quest for discovery and has an impact on socio-economic development. Science, technology and innovation is often initiated at the undergraduate and post-graduation level which should be nurtured at university level. Research and developmental activities creates and disseminates new knowledge in various fields, promotes innovation for better teaching and learning among faculties and students.

Purpose: The purpose of the University Research Policy is to create a vibrant environment for research among University teaching and non-teaching staff (Teaching faculty, administrator, Technical and professional staff member and other employees) and research students of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU). The policy shall serve as an overall   framework   within   which   research   activities   may   be   carried   out.

Scope: The Research Policy is applicable to all teaching and non-teaching staff of the university (faculty members, administrator, technical and professional staff member) and students of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, (YCMOU) Nashik.

Objectives of Research Policy:

1. To create an enabling environment within the university in order to foster a research culture as well as provide required support through research framework and guidelines.

2. To ensure high level of efficient and effective support system to facilitate faculty and researchers in their research activities.

3. To ensure research publications in UGC approved / peer reviewed journals, indexed in SCOPUS / Web of Science and / or a journal with impact factor.

4. To nurture an environment of undertaking socially useful research with potential for commercialization.

5. To enhance collaboration and partnership with Industry at local, Regional and National level.

Custodian of the Policy:

The implementation and updating of University Research Policy shall be carried out by Member Secretary, University Research Council (URC), Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU). The Research Policy shall have a University Research Council (URC) to function under the supervision of Vice Chancellor, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University to assist and advice in matters related to research within University.

Policy and Guidelines:

1. Undertaking Research: University Regular teaching and non-teaching Staff (faculty members, administrator, technical and professional staff members) and students of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) are expected to undertake research, leading to quality publications, presentations in National / International conferences   of  repute, generation of Intellectual property with potential for commercialization, socially useful outcome and other similar research activity to fulfill the National Goals.

2.Obligations of faculty / Staff: Research output will be considered as one of the criteria for faculty recruitment and promotion along with other academic responsibilities

3.Recruitment and Promotion: Staff members and students of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) are expected to undertake research, leading to quality publications, presentations in National/ International conferences of repute, generation of Intellectual property with potential for commercialization, socially   useful outcome and other similar research activity.

4.Research Management: Research activities and work related to research projects are coordinated by the Member Secretary, University Research Council (URC), Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) under the supervision of the Vice Chancellor. University Research Council (URC) shall be responsible for overall functioning of research activities within the University. Research projects and research activities in the School of studies are supervised and coordinated by the respective Director of the School in consultation with the School Research Committee (SRC). The SRC should be formed in consultation with and after the approval of Hon. Vice Chancellor.

5.Research Ethics Committee: It is expected that the teacher or the students involved in research must adhere to highest ethical standards of conduct such as data integrity, adhering to ethical guidelines, set from time to time for carrying out research. Each faculty member and student researcher shall follow academic honesty in his/her research work. Faculty and students shall be careful not to fall prey to academic dishonesty. A Research Ethics committee, on instruction of Vice Chancellor, shall be constituted in order to carry out inquiry when academic dishonesty is reported against any teacher or students involved in the research group. Suitable disciplinary action may be initiated, if found guilty, against such individual / group. The Research Ethics Committee will consist of the Director of School nominated by Vice Chancellor and two academic staff of university and one subject expert of concerned subject.

6.Resources for Research Support: ·University teaching and non-teaching staff should submit their major or minor research project proposals in the prescribed format (Objectives, Methodology, Budget estimates and Duration of project) to the University Research Council (URC). The suitable proposals may be allowed to submit and forwarded for availing financial assistance the university, Government and Non-government organizations.

YCMOU provides intramural funding under Minor Research Project Scheme through seed money based on the quality and impact of research. University will extend facility by supporting publication charges, where manuscripts are sent for publication in quality journals. Such requests will be scrutinized through a University Research Council (URC) appointed by BOM / Vice Chancellor. Member secretary of University Research Council (URC) will facilitate awareness regarding potential funding. The University may also provide additional manpower in the School of studies with higher research intensity and research output, depending on the justification for the requirements while adhering to regulations of statutory bodies.

The Provision of  Rs 25 Lakhs per year for carrying out research under Minor Research Project Funding Scheme of minimum 1-2 years duration is made available every year in the annual budget of University. To avail this facility, University Staff should submit their proposal (Minor Research Project) in the prescribed format (Objectives, Methodology, Budget estimates and Duration of   project) to the University Research Council (URC) at the beginning of the Academic Year. Periodic review of research output shall be carried out by School and provide such information to University Research Council (URC), periodically (once in an academic year) for assessment and required corrective actions.

7.Quality of Publications: The research carried out in the University should be of acceptable quality adhering to highest standards of ethics. YCMOU encourages publications in peer reviewed referred journals/ indexed in Scopus/Web of Science or UGC approved Journals. University Research Council (URC) may revise such policy as deemed fit from time to time in future.

8. Intellectual property and commercialization: Any research output, which has commercial value, will be encouraged for patent filing. The researcher need to justify the importance of commercialization and should take prior permission before applying for the patent.

Financial assistance to organize seminar, conferences and workshops: The URC will propose the financial assistance for organization of National level / International Level conferences/ Seminars by the study centers or Schools, or Divisions or Centers etc. The financial support of Rs. 3-5 Lakhs are provided to each school of studies every year. The provision is also made for Regional level/ State level conferences in the tune of Rs. 1 Lakh every year.

Research Scholar: To enhance quality of research output, Teacher mentorship is facilitated to encourage postgraduate students and Research students to pursue research activities leading to tangible output.

Guidelines of Research Policy:

1. YCMOU encourages every teaching and non-teaching Staff and student to undertake various research activities.

2. The Provision of Lump sum budget of Rs 75 Lakhs is made available in every financial year  in the annual budget of University for carrying out research activities

3. University teacher and Staff needs to submit their research proposal consisting of the Objective, Methodology, Duration and Budget estimates to the University research Council (URC) once in beginning of an academic year. The budget estimates of research proposals should not exceed Rs. 2 Lakhs per teaching or non-teaching staff.

4. Interested Research students can also propose their research project to the School research committee (SRC) and the School research committee (SRC) will scrutinize the research proposal submitted by the students and forward to University Research Council (URC) in order to approve the best two research proposals in a year. The budget estimates of research proposals should not exceed Rs. 50,000 per student.

5. After the completion of research project, the concerned staff / student have to submit the completion report of research project within one year from the sanction of research proposal and will have to publish/sent for publication, minimum one research paper within two months of submission of completion report of research proposal.

6. It is the responsibility of the research students and faculty supervisor to assure the originality of their research work before presenting/ publishing in the National / International journals. The University Research council (URC) reserves the rights of taking appropriate action for penalizing for the malpractices or plagiarized work.

7. All the teaching and research faculty are entitled for attending / participating in conferences / seminars / workshops etc. in each academic year. The abstract of research paper to be presented in conference / seminar / workshops etc., including the details of conference / seminar / workshops need to be submitted to University Research council (URC) for the approval before registration process. The financial assistance is provided to the researcher against the actual expenditure incurred by the researcher.

8. The University Staff will be paid travel grant and registration fee for attending the international conference / seminar / workshop once in three years.

9. The University Staff is paid TA/ DA and Registration fee on approval from the Vice Chancellor on recommendation of the University Research Council (URC). One short term course of one week duration and One long term course / program  of  Orientation / Refresher / Summer / Winter institute two weeks duration such as QIP or FDP once in an academic year as per requirement for CAS.

10. The University Research council (URC) proposes to Provision of a total budget of Rs. 25 Lakhs per year towards attending Conference/ Seminar/ Workshops / Short term course / Long term programs etc., (Refresher / Orientation Course).

11. Research students who are interested in attending and presenting their research work/ review paper in a conference / seminar / workshop at national level will have to submit their abstract including the details of conference / seminar / workshop to research committee for the approval. The research committee will reserve the right to select or reject the proposal on the basis of merit. Research student will be allowed to attend conference / seminar / workshops for every year, subject to a maximum 4 research students in one semester. These students are entitled to claim registration fee and TA (II tier rail fare) for attending conference / seminar / workshop once in the semester.

12. Research Students need to get approval of School Research committee (SRC) for sending the abstract for attending conference / seminar / workshop etc., even in cases where students do not want to claim registration fee and Travel cost  from University.

University Research Council (URC):

  1. Hon. Vice Chancellor                                                                  Chairman
  2. Director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences                  Member
  3. Director, School of Commerce and Management                       Member
  4. Director, School of Education                                                    Member
  5. Director, School of Agricultural Sciences                                   Member
  6. Director, School of Architecture, Science & Technology           Member
  7. Director, School of Computer Sciences                                      Member
  8. Director, School of Health Sciences                                           Member
  9. Director, School of Continuing Education                                 Member
  10. Regional Director, Regional Center Nashik                               Member
  11. Dr. Hemant Rajguru, Planning Officer                                       Member-Secretary

University Research and Publication Ethics Committee:

The university research and publication ethics committee is constituted to maintain code ethics in research and research publication. The implementation will prevent malpractices; ensure plagiarism check by following publication guidelines. It will create awareness about research ethics, Plagiarism, research methodology by conducting workshops, seminars, short term course etc.

  1. Hon. Vice-Chancellor,   Chairman
  2. Director, School of Humanities and Social Sciences              Member
  3. Director, School of Commerce and Management                  Member
  4. Director, School of Education                                                Member
  5. Director, School of Agricultural Sciences                              Member
  6. Director, School of Architecture, Science & Technology      Member
  7. Director, School of Computer Sciences                                  Member
  8. Director, School of Health Sciences                                       Member
  9. Secretary, University Research Council                     Member
  10. Head, Library & Information Center                         Member
  11. Regional Director, Regional Center, Nashik               Member
  12. Dr. Prakash Barve, Assistant Librarian              Co-ordinator