Purchase Section

Purchase Section

The Purchase Department

This department functions under the Finance Officer. Its main functions are

To schedule and organize for Purchase Committee meeting

To prepare documents for the Purchase Committee meeting

To prepare systematic minutes of the decisions/ resolutions of the meeting

To implement the decisions/resolutions of the purchase committee meeting

To avail sanction to the decisions/resolutions of the purchase committee meeting from the Finance Committee.


To launch E-Tenders for purchases above Rs. 3 Lakhs as requested by various departments.

To launch the E tenders on the State Government’s website.

To schedule the pre-bid meeting

To arrange for opening the technical bids and verifying compliance

To make minutes of the committee opening the technical bids and to upload.

To open the eligible suppliers’ business bids

To prepare Comparative statement of the tenders

To avail sanction from the Finance Committee and make the Purchase order.  

To prepare reports of the tender fee make receipts of the deposits, to arrange for return of the deposits after completion of the process  

In case of the purchases less than Rs. 3 lakhs, calling quotations, preparing comparative statement after their opening, availing sanction of the Finance Committee and placing order for the purchases. 

Preparing annual report of the Purchase activities.