Regional and Study Centre management

Regional and Study Centre management

Regional and Study Centre Management is a part of the Student Services Division dealing with the functioning and issues with the Regional and Study Centres/Learner Support Centres. The SSD directly makes contact with the Regional Director in the given area pertaining to identification of Study Centres/Learner Support Centres, functioning of the existing Study Centres/Learner Support Centres, problems with the Study Centre/Learner Support Centre and feedback of the academic and administrative services being provided to learners in their region. The Regional Directors have been provided infrastructural and conveyance facility enabling them to visit the Study Centre/Learner Support Centre for identification as well as to inspect the existing Study Centre/Learner Support Centre regarding the facilities they provide to learners. The Regional Directors are frequently contacted for administrative and financial issues in their day-to-day work and for building up infrastructural and other facilities in the region so as to benefit the last learner in the region.

The Study Centre Management is an integral part of the Student Services Division dealing with the grass root level of any region all over the state of Maharashtra. The Study Centres/Learner Support Centres have been identified keeping in view the goal of the University to REACH THE UNREACHED and hence Study Centres/Learner Support Centres have been situated in remote areas where people do not have educational opportunities are provided with educational opportunities. The Study Centre Management is a sensitive part of the whole task as it deals with the learners who are the stakeholders of the University. It is very important that the learners get all the required facilities at the Study Centre/Learner Support Centre and no barrier is caused in their learning process either through administrative or any other reason. The SCM deals keeping in view this fact with the Study Centre/Learner Support Centre people and prospective learners in the region. Though the learners are provided with Self Instructional Study Material continuous assessment of the learners is carried out with class test and home assignments, organization of continuous assessment, its evaluation and counsellors remark on the performance of the learners which motivate them for their further study are also dealt with by the SCM. The SCM is like dealing with the distant learners at micro level.